الأحد، 14 مايو 2017

We call France not to cooperate with forces of darkness and occupation which antagonize Islam… \statement of Al-Sayyid Muqtada Al-Sadr on 14\5\2017

In the name of Allah
After the controlling on many countries in Europe by forces of evil and some extremes for special aims and policies which they think that they are for their benefits, today signs of abatement of this extreme expansion appeared when the moderate forces won in France and it is from the important states in Europe. And maybe the more important thing which will result from that is removal all extremes, not those who belong to the same state but all colonies that made from the European lands as place of exile and abode for them and for their speeches and policies…even that many states of Europe became victim of the booby-trapped and the terroristic works. In addition to that there is another important matter that’s openness of the French moderation and the European on the moderate Islam then not to confine on the Muslims and freedom of their religion as the veil and other rites which don’t relate to the violence.
So we are as Muslims incline to the moderation and discard the extremism, we support the French state to take her nation to the safety and the peace and not to cooperate with forces of darkness and occupation which antagonize Islam without differentiation between the terrorist and the moderate
And also we are ready to the cultural human religious dialogue with them to make it door to put end to the terroristic controlling on our states and their states…to make the world lives far from the occupation, terrorism and wars which storm the countries of the Third World which their signs appeared in the European states
But if the isolation on Islam and also antagonizing him continue then this didn't result for France and others only the growing of extremism forces because they exploited the discord by dirty methods which don’t relate to the genuine Islam, and this will be door to make the terrorism expands in all European states God forbid ! This is call from me to them for the openness on the moderate Islam before it is too late, and it is not the time to escape
Muqtada Al-Sadr
Seventeenth of Sha'ban 1438 A.H

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