In the name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful
O Allah curse the killers of our martyr Al-Sader , O Allah curse the killers of his master Al-Sader , O Allah curse the killers of his sons , O Allah curse the killers of Al-Sader's agents , O Allah curse the killers of Al-Sader's lovers from Al-Ba'thien and dirty Al-Afaliqa and those who supported and followed them
Now listen please I will read a poem that I wrote before many years to my father
O martyr of believers O beloved of Muslims
You are Al-Sader the honest who is from the emanation of more generous
You are the best knowing you are light of inheritors
You’re the terror of the oppressors O brightness of discerning
O the martyr of believers O beloved of Muslims
You are Al-Sader the honest who is from the emanation of more generous
You are general generosity you are the great science
You are the old covenant O saint of Muslims
O martyr of believers O beloved of Muslims
You are Al-Sader the honest who is from the emanation of more generous
You are the good the martyr you are the strong love
You are the iron sword to the nulls of stubborn
O martyr of believers O beloved of Muslims
You are Al-Sader the honest who is from the emanation of more generous
You are the big asceticism you are the abundant science
You are the abundant patience from the nulls of bitter
O martyr of believers O beloved of Muslims
You are Al-Sader the honest who is from the emanation of more generous
Which oppression for the bastard , he is resident in the hole
Repressed the oppression which extended the hands of the sinners
O martyr of believers O beloved of Muslims
You are Al-Sader the honest who is from the emanation of more generous
It is a sin beat from the hands of sinners
You obligated a great victory , you obligated a long immortality
O martyr of believers O beloved of Muslims
You are Al-Sader the honest who is from the emanation of more generous
You became immortal love you became eternal way
You became global light in spite of cunning of enviers
Now listen please I will read a poem that I wrote before many years to my father
O martyr of believers O beloved of Muslims
You are Al-Sader the honest who is from the emanation of more generous
You are the best knowing you are light of inheritors
You’re the terror of the oppressors O brightness of discerning
O the martyr of believers O beloved of Muslims
You are Al-Sader the honest who is from the emanation of more generous
You are general generosity you are the great science
You are the old covenant O saint of Muslims
O martyr of believers O beloved of Muslims
You are Al-Sader the honest who is from the emanation of more generous
You are the good the martyr you are the strong love
You are the iron sword to the nulls of stubborn
O martyr of believers O beloved of Muslims
You are Al-Sader the honest who is from the emanation of more generous
You are the big asceticism you are the abundant science
You are the abundant patience from the nulls of bitter
O martyr of believers O beloved of Muslims
You are Al-Sader the honest who is from the emanation of more generous
Which oppression for the bastard , he is resident in the hole
Repressed the oppression which extended the hands of the sinners
O martyr of believers O beloved of Muslims
You are Al-Sader the honest who is from the emanation of more generous
It is a sin beat from the hands of sinners
You obligated a great victory , you obligated a long immortality
O martyr of believers O beloved of Muslims
You are Al-Sader the honest who is from the emanation of more generous
You became immortal love you became eternal way
You became global light in spite of cunning of enviers
In the name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful
As Al-Sader advised ( I ask you Al-Fatiha and invocation ) we stand to read Al-Fatiha on our dear martyr and beloved guide and saint and the savior from the aberration and on his dear sons .
And he advised us with the invocation, so we raise our hands for invocation
O Allah put him in Your heavens , give him Your great mercy, emanate on him from the emanation of Your grace, bless on him from the light of Your holiness, bestow on him from Your graces , give him Your blessings, give him the high degrees , give him Your abundant graces, give him from the emanation of Your perfection because he is the transient in Your presence, humble in serving You, working in Your field, the perfect in Your way, the integrated in Knowing You, the lover in Your self
Then we say
O Allah fix us on his way, ornament our hearts by his love, light our minds by his science, emanate on us from his asceticism, increase his love in us, Allah gather us with him in the afterlife as you honored us by him in the present life
As it was mentioned in the aphorism, the lover is obedient for the one whom he loves
No one from us can claim the love and loyalty to him except he is obedient to him at the same time we can't claim the obedience if we didn't follow his great advices and here I mention some of his advices with some comments
The first will: continue on the Friday prayer – he said it- and you should know that he didn't will on the continuous on it in vain but his will refers to the importance , effect and benefit of the Friday prayer whereas there are many benefits in it, some of these are, please listen to me
One: she is obedience so continue on obedience of Allah and as he called we call yes yes O my God
Two: she is rite from rites of Allah so continue on renewal of rites of Allah and as he called we call (at your service! At your service! O my God).
Three: she is honor so continue on your honor and as he called we call yes yes for the Friday
Four: there is an obedience for Al-Hawza in her so continue on love and obedience of your Hawza and as he called we call yes yes for Al-Hawza
Five: there is symbol of meeting and force for you so continue on your force and meeting and don't separate in order not to lose your strength and as he called we call yes yes for Al-Islam
Six: there is symbol of brotherhood in her so continue on your brotherhood and enough the separation , enough the scattering and as he called we call yes yes for the doctrine
Seven: there is symbol of challenge for the oppressors in her so continue on your jihad and as he called we call : no no falsehood
Eight : there is symbol of return to Allah and to His hereafter and keeping away from the present life so continue on Al-Sader's way and don't separate for love of Al-Sadr and his sons with your higher voices blessing of Allah be on Mohammed and his family
The second will: O young become diligent and this will relates to the students and habitués of Al-Hawza and this will is important especially in the present whereas her students are busy with the policy and the present life and left the lesson , the informing and so on in spite of Al-Sayyid the father was saying ( I'm servant for Al-Hawza ) he devoted his life for her and he advised us to revive our lifes by the science , lesson , discussion, researches , informing and association with people
The third will : keeping the religion and doctrine when he said : (the religion is in your protection and the doctrine is in your protection and you should not excess in them a little or a lot
We understand from this will ( with deference of our degrees and ranks scientific and moral ) that we should be soldiers from Islam soldiers and wear the shrouds on the hearts to defend on the religion and on the doctrine by several levels
The first level: Al-jihad and the armed defense so we should not neglect whether against the occupier or against the danger of terrorism or any danger against the religion and the doctrine
The second level: the cultural jihad that's mean we culture ourselves before the others and fortify ourselves against thoughts of West and atheism
The third level: the unity of Islam and doctrine and never spreading the sectarianism matters and keeping away from everything which causes the scattering in them – of course with the righteous people from them
The fourth level : improvement the reputation of doctrine by keeping away from what brings the bad reputation as the corruption , thefts , cutting the necks and the hateful strictness
The fifth level: the moral level: which is taken from (become silent caller for us ) it means improve your morals , natures and tongues to be examples for the others and leave anything harm the reputation of religion and doctrine from the bad morals and the epidemics moral and doctrinal of society which gnaw in the society and destroy him and make him pile
And any one from you didn't do these wills like those who left the Friday and her mosques or those who left the lesson of Al-Hawza or those who did wrong to the religion and the doctrine through spreading the sectarianism and the corruption , so he shouldn't say: I'm sadri he shouldn't say I'm Sadri or lover for Al-Sayyid Al-Sader and his family
I ask Allah to help you for His satisfactions and protect you from the sins and give you patience and science and support you and triumph by you as you supported our dear martyr and you still support
Thank you
Muqtada Al-Sader
And he advised us with the invocation, so we raise our hands for invocation
O Allah put him in Your heavens , give him Your great mercy, emanate on him from the emanation of Your grace, bless on him from the light of Your holiness, bestow on him from Your graces , give him Your blessings, give him the high degrees , give him Your abundant graces, give him from the emanation of Your perfection because he is the transient in Your presence, humble in serving You, working in Your field, the perfect in Your way, the integrated in Knowing You, the lover in Your self
Then we say
O Allah fix us on his way, ornament our hearts by his love, light our minds by his science, emanate on us from his asceticism, increase his love in us, Allah gather us with him in the afterlife as you honored us by him in the present life
As it was mentioned in the aphorism, the lover is obedient for the one whom he loves
No one from us can claim the love and loyalty to him except he is obedient to him at the same time we can't claim the obedience if we didn't follow his great advices and here I mention some of his advices with some comments
The first will: continue on the Friday prayer – he said it- and you should know that he didn't will on the continuous on it in vain but his will refers to the importance , effect and benefit of the Friday prayer whereas there are many benefits in it, some of these are, please listen to me
One: she is obedience so continue on obedience of Allah and as he called we call yes yes O my God
Two: she is rite from rites of Allah so continue on renewal of rites of Allah and as he called we call (at your service! At your service! O my God).
Three: she is honor so continue on your honor and as he called we call yes yes for the Friday
Four: there is an obedience for Al-Hawza in her so continue on love and obedience of your Hawza and as he called we call yes yes for Al-Hawza
Five: there is symbol of meeting and force for you so continue on your force and meeting and don't separate in order not to lose your strength and as he called we call yes yes for Al-Islam
Six: there is symbol of brotherhood in her so continue on your brotherhood and enough the separation , enough the scattering and as he called we call yes yes for the doctrine
Seven: there is symbol of challenge for the oppressors in her so continue on your jihad and as he called we call : no no falsehood
Eight : there is symbol of return to Allah and to His hereafter and keeping away from the present life so continue on Al-Sader's way and don't separate for love of Al-Sadr and his sons with your higher voices blessing of Allah be on Mohammed and his family
The second will: O young become diligent and this will relates to the students and habitués of Al-Hawza and this will is important especially in the present whereas her students are busy with the policy and the present life and left the lesson , the informing and so on in spite of Al-Sayyid the father was saying ( I'm servant for Al-Hawza ) he devoted his life for her and he advised us to revive our lifes by the science , lesson , discussion, researches , informing and association with people
The third will : keeping the religion and doctrine when he said : (the religion is in your protection and the doctrine is in your protection and you should not excess in them a little or a lot
We understand from this will ( with deference of our degrees and ranks scientific and moral ) that we should be soldiers from Islam soldiers and wear the shrouds on the hearts to defend on the religion and on the doctrine by several levels
The first level: Al-jihad and the armed defense so we should not neglect whether against the occupier or against the danger of terrorism or any danger against the religion and the doctrine
The second level: the cultural jihad that's mean we culture ourselves before the others and fortify ourselves against thoughts of West and atheism
The third level: the unity of Islam and doctrine and never spreading the sectarianism matters and keeping away from everything which causes the scattering in them – of course with the righteous people from them
The fourth level : improvement the reputation of doctrine by keeping away from what brings the bad reputation as the corruption , thefts , cutting the necks and the hateful strictness
The fifth level: the moral level: which is taken from (become silent caller for us ) it means improve your morals , natures and tongues to be examples for the others and leave anything harm the reputation of religion and doctrine from the bad morals and the epidemics moral and doctrinal of society which gnaw in the society and destroy him and make him pile
And any one from you didn't do these wills like those who left the Friday and her mosques or those who left the lesson of Al-Hawza or those who did wrong to the religion and the doctrine through spreading the sectarianism and the corruption , so he shouldn't say: I'm sadri he shouldn't say I'm Sadri or lover for Al-Sayyid Al-Sader and his family
I ask Allah to help you for His satisfactions and protect you from the sins and give you patience and science and support you and triumph by you as you supported our dear martyr and you still support
Thank you
Muqtada Al-Sader
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