In the name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful
During the browsing to the daily newscast especially on fifth of Thi Al-Qi'da, I saw an essay against my father in a style which refers to the stupidity of its writer, it also refers to the deep malice in his heart but even in his mind against the master of reformation and reformers
Regardless of its writer I don't care to him but I care to the detail of his writing against my father whereas he claims in his essay but he challenges the all that my father didn't give any advisory opinion against the members of Al-Ba'th party and his cursed leader Saddam
the writer and the others like him who see by one eye if they have eye and with black heart if they have hearts write their essays avoiding the right and deviating from the truth whereas they are mere hireling pens or petrified minds or pens that their consciences have died and their pure ink dried.
The writer of essay claims many matters I will mention them before I reply
First: America eliminated on Saddam
Second: America eliminated on Sunnis hereditary of the rule
Third: he made a comparison between Al-Sader the second and American Bush the hero according to his shallow expression
Fourth and fifth: Bush proclaimed hostility to Saddam and Al-Sader didn't give any advisory opinion or statement against Al-Ba'th and Saddam
Sixth: Al- Shia couldn't be free without America
Seventh: why did Al-Sader give advisory opinion against America in ninetieths and while America was supporting opposition against Saddam
Eighth: why did Saddam give permission to Al-Sader to do the Friday prayer
Ninth: why did Saddam give permission to Al-Sader to expand
Tenth: Al-Sader was a reason behind keeping Al-Shia away from religious guides and that's what Saddam wants
Then we ask for help from Allah to reply on these questions which are filled with deep malice and more stupidity and it is Allah (alone) whose help can be sought against that (lie) which you describe
I answer the first point with many answers
The first answer: any reasonable doesn't praise the one who spoiled a thing intentionally with negligence then repair it. So as America she helped Saddam and his followers to reach to the rule in Iraq then eliminated him
But she eliminated him after achieving her aim from 8 years of war which brought woes, killing, displacement, weakness , deformities , bereaved and sick people in Iraq , and she didn't put him aside from the rule except after she killed Al-Sadrain the martyrs one after one by the hands of Al-Ba'th and the tyrant and as our martyr Al-Sader : (in these late centuries there is what I call it the inauspicious trinity the oppressor and that's the American, British and Israeli colonization (the oppressor , the wicked, racketeer for the human rights and their bloods) in fact that's the reason for all these oppression and other and it should be clear
The second answer: it consists of two parts
The first part: America didn't eliminate Saddam but the pure bloods for Iraq, all Iraqis, the two martyrs Al-Sadrain and religious scientists
The second part: it is as my father said (they claimed that the bombing achieved its aims but they are liars but its end was surrender and weakness from them, yes they achieved his aims in the divine wisdom from where they don't want as we hear in the divine speech that say (the oppressors is a soldier whom I revenge by him and revenge from him) whereas it is revenge for the sins and defects in the society , it is enough to notice that we neglected toward Al-Imam Al-Hussein peace of Allah be upon him the reaction in the divine wisdom came quickly and strongly and we wait for the mercy of Allah to apply the second part because He says (I revenge by him and revenge from him)
And this speech regardless that it is reply on the one who say that America achieved his aim in eliminating Al-Haddam (Saddam) cursed be on him also it is statement and advisory opinion that oppressor America revenged from the oppressor Saddam and America is the next whereas Allah will revenge from her as mentioned in divine wisdom previously
The third answer : any clear-sighted and simple hearted and any fair writer who is far from the thoughts of this malice writer, if he saw through truth sight he will find that America even she eliminated Saddam but she eliminated Al-Iraq also in the focus of ignorance, poverty, fear, separation and sectarianism and Iraq still bleed and bleed…as if America was replaced by the mass cemeteries that Saddam and his followers did and they extracted them from underground from to the surface publicly without any prevention or agreement and with the agreement of those like this malice writer
And today those who are like this writer that America will save us from Da'ish and terrorism ...where are the results of thousands raids that American, Russian and European alliance did against (few hundreds from terrorists) or the thousands as they claim, where are the aids that America gives to oppressed people , certainly it is in the laps of Da'ish and Da'ish is making by America and Saddam his first making and Allah will not change the condition of people as long as they do not change their state
The second point: that America eliminated on the Suunis hereditary and its rule
This speech issued from sectarian who grew up in America and West laps who burned by the same our fire and I answer it with many answers
First: Saddam wasn't Sunni but he is near to the disbelief from Al-Islam and the moderate Sunna didn't confess by him as a Sunni
Second: the present rule isn't Shiite and here I announce my disavowal from it and I don't fear just Allah
Third: about any Sunna hereditary do you speak – and about and Shia hereditary do you speak??...the tyrant and the West brought all these names and they brought them after submitting and humiliating the nation then the nation obeyed them as Allah said (thus he disparage his people and they obeyed him, verily they were ever a people who were dissolute ) also Saddam disparage his people then they followed his sectarian thoughts also the West disparage the East and they followed them you and the others but as our saint Al-Sader said ( America even it claimed her controlling on the world till the world became to him like small village but she is – notice- she cannot eliminate the faith of believers and the strength of braves , if she could controlled our bodies but she couldn't control on our minds, hearts and souls ( And never will Allah grant to the disbelievers a way over the believers )
Fourth : your claim of eliminating the Sunni hereditary if it was right so she eleminated the moderate Sunni and brought the terroristic, strict and sectarian Sunni thought that represented by Al-Qa'ida and Da'ish thought which fed on cutting the necks and bombing
Fifth : this hereditary that you criticize is the same one that your present masters cling by it they share the rule with them to divide the Iraqi cake and their people suffer from poverty, ignorance and fear the present Iraqi rulers who want to fix their chairs have begged (by the strict Sunni hereditary) to be their partners with all their sects and names from Al- Ba'th and terrorists event the cutters of necks and those who make explosions and keep away all the moderate Sunni hereditary from the rule who don't want just the unity without sectarian name like you
Sixth: which elimination that you claim O inattentive about what is going around you ,don't you know that America and before many months but many years finances some Sunni sides, I don't know from part are they, I mean are they from the moderate or from the strict sides and I guess the second whereas the first don't cooperate with the occupier financed them by money and weapons without return to your Shia government so which hereditary that America eliminated it and she by this support fed the two parties by money and weapons then plant the dissension and how easier it is to make the two parties fight each other, we are from those who separated from our right and the West from those who gathered on their null
And the comparison between Al-Sader the second and Bush (the hero) according to your expression and that is the great calamity from many sides
The first side: you want to show yourself in your essay that you defend on Al-Shia and Al-Tashaiy' and in the same time you accuse the others and compare between one of Al-Shia pillars that's Al-Sader the second and between a terrorist Western American
The second: you claim that Al-Sader separated Al-Shia and that's the main reason behind keeping Al-Shia away from the religious guides and by your speech you are keeping the people away from their guide and in the same time you separate between the guides and classify them between Sadri and other names I don't like to mention them because I hate the separation
The third side: which hero whom you claim and the Iraqis beat him by their shoes and he couldn't defend himself, didn't he confess by his losses in front of the Iraqi resistance with all their names?? Didn't he confess by is fault in Al-Iraq and her pampered girl (Britain)
The fourth side: by which right you praise the disbeliever and the malice Western criminal whereas the Islamic law and Al-Quran say (And never will Allah grant to the disbelievers a way to triumph over the believers) and say (O you who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya'(friends, protectors and helpers besides Allah)
If you are atheist, it doesn't give you the right to defend on the one who occupied your country even under the title of liberation, even he covered your loins and negligence in never facing the oppression of Haddam (Saddam) and the criminal Ba'th and Your submission and the other like you to him don't give the right to praise him. If the Iraqis rose with Iraqi leader or Iraqi guide to face Saddam and eliminate him , he didn't kill their guides and the two martyrs Al-Sadran and guides like them never hesitated in giving a clear advisory opinion to eliminate Al-Ba'th and its leader whereas the infallibles imams didn't stand against the oppressors rulers at that time not negligence nor dereliction from them but because of the negligence of their followers and nations no more…( Verily Allah will not change the condition of a people as long as they do not change their state) and if you wish read the event of kiln at the age of Al-Imam Al-Sadiq peace of Allah upon him
But I don't think that you are atheist nor you are from those who make the infallibles an example, you have forgotten that more like you accused Al-Imam Al-Ridha and Al-Sajjad peace of Allah be upon them as you accused Al-Sader the second
As for point four and five and as you said that Bush proclaimed hostility to Saddam and Al-Sader didn't give any advisory opinion or statement against Al-Ba'th and Saddam
The answer consists two parts: one about Bush who proclaimed hostility to Saddam and its answer will be on many points
The first point: regardless that Bush is a president of America but he submits to general policies that are dictated to him so which proclamation of hostility and they supported him in his war against Iran
The second point: which proclamation of hostility to Saddam and Bush gave Saddam the right of flight to bomb the opposite in blessed Al-Sha'baniya Demonstration
The third point: it is wakefulness from Bush after infinite support to Saddam against Iran and his opposite...if you said yes… we say review what we have said that the one who committed a mistake firstly shouldn't be praised on correcting it secondly especially his correcting caused many disasters which are greatest and if you said no…we say: so you are satisfied on Bush's works from supporting of Saddam so you are either Ba'thi or sympathetic with them
Two: what you claimed that Al-Sader the second didn't give advisory opinion against Saddam I answer
First: the first advisory opinion : ( they claimed that the bombing achieved its aims but they are liars but its end was surrender and weakness from them , yes they achieved his aims in the divine wisdom from where they don't want as we hear in the divine speech that say( the oppressors is a soldier whom I revenge by him and revenge from him ) whereas it is revenge for the sins and defects in the society , it is enough to notice that we neglected toward Al-Imam Al-Hussein peace of Allah be upon him the reaction in the divine wisdom came quickly and strongly and we wait for the mercy of Allah to apply the second part because He says (I revenge by him and revenge from him)
The second advisory opinion : it is expected that it should be in the faith campaign that the state undertook it for years so it is supposed in this campaign to call for faith because it is faithful, to support the rites, to increase the obedience, decrease the disobedience, put the severe punishment on the bad things like bars , nightclubs and ballrooms however walking to holy Karbala' is from the faith and it is expected from the one who call for it to walk in this side till the end of way and don't feel that there is contradiction between the two ways or the two styles as we feel in it now
It is supposed that you understood from that advisory opinion that there is praise to Haddam and his campaign so you are wrong but you are ignorant and don't understand whereas it is a clear speech that there is criticism to the faithful campaign
Whereas the bars and the adultery were wide spread at the age of Al-Haddm and the Husseiny's rites were forbidden ate the age of the Al-Haddam and the death sentence on any one do it so the campaign was not faith but it was against Al- Sader the second made you understand the revers as it was said the eye of satisfaction on each defect is blunt and eye of dissatisfaction shows the evils
The third advisory opinion: his advisory opinion against the desert fox when he said: O Allah make the oppressors busy with each other and take us out between them unharmed and maybe you don’t understand his talk then I say he meant: make America busy by Saddam…and this talk was at the age of fear, forbidden and regret when you were and those who like you in your holes don’t speak with any word or some others were out of Iraq revel and play despite of their nation sunk in the injustice and bloods
The fourth advisory opinion: they are many advisory opinions were mentioned in his speech after prevention the walking to the shrine of Al-Imam Al-Hussein whereas he said: (when the half of Sha'ban ended and the walking to the holy Karbala was postponed) we should take lesson whereas there is a lesson in everything and this is from more important things which we should take lesson for the guidance and deep penetration into faith and we will hear some discussion from some of them about the wisdom and good preachment by help of Allah glory to him by attention to several points
The first point: we know that the colonization and the colonists from beginning of them hate the Islam and the doctrine and plot the plots against them and they want to make them weak by any way and hate doing the rites and try to reduce them but cancel them including seasons of visits (ziyarat) and publication of books and making of speeches and prayers. From here the Friday prayer was fork in eye of colonists generally and Israel especially because there is a dignity of religion and doctrine, guidance for people causing to gather them and gathering the word on the right in it.and also the walking to visit Al-Hussein is fork in eye of colonists generally and Israel especially and it is clear that it is included for saying of Allah glory to him (and the step that tread on place that angers that the disbelievers, and whatever them they cause the enemy- a good deed is recorded for them in lieu of all of these, Allah does not waste the wages of the virtuous.) Surah: Al-taubah-120
The second point: it was expected and natural that make every effort to prevent them which cause the reducing of religion rites and what it is from guidance and faithfulness for Allah, his prophet and infallibles, and maybe they don’t know that there is benefit for society in this and opposition for the colonization and compulsion for Israel. So they should know from now this matter, and it is clear for any one and we say for any person didn't pay attention to that as the poet said
If you don’t know then it is a calamity and if you know then the calamity is greater
The third points: it is no doubt that the best thing to any state does it for her society and nation is giving the freedom to do their religious rites and vent on their mental and psychical satisfaction with a way which doesn’t harm this state by any way, and certainly this is useful for the state –any state- and it will be reason for loving and trust in the state because they will see the state has a favor on them by the freedom in the religion rites beside the economic and worldly matters contrary to do the revers
The fourth point: (now we are (in their sight) in conditions of unjust colonial embargo so you should face the colonization and do every work which he doesn't love it like the religious rites generally and walking to Karbala especially, so this holy rite will be beside the walkers against the colonization and the condemners for the embargo and gradual good step and it is possible to be a key to put an end to the embargo and the popular pressure on the colonization as it was said here that the condition of embargo doesn’t suit the acceptance of walking to Karbala , but the matter is opposite to it . and doesn’t need only to a simple attention to the social condition which we live)
He is not only who didn't understand it therefore I will explain some of the words
First: he (Al-Sayyid the martyr) said : we know that the colonization and the colonists from beginning of them hate the Islam and the doctrine and plot the plots against them and they want to make them weak with any way and hate doing the rites) and this saying after his saying (when the half of Sha'ban ended and the walking to the holy Karbala postponed ) and in fact it was not postponed but was prevented and Tahir Habbosh who works now in your government or about to … threatening my father with cut his neck, and you can ask about this matter. So the forbidden was from Al-Haddam and his followers then my father said (we know that the colonization and the colonists from beginning of them hate the Islam and the doctrine and plot the plots against them and they want to make them weak with any way and hate doing the rites) so after forbidden the rites and walking to Al-Imam Al-Hussein from Saddam and his followers then either they are colonist or followers of the colonization then he said (from here the Friday prayer was fork in eye of colonists ) so he wanted to send message to Al-Ba'th party and his leader that if you forbid the walking to Al-Imam Al-Hussein, we pray the Friday prayer and she is a rite from rites of Allah in spite of you then read again the second point from speech of my father that he refers to them the misunderstanding or the harmony with the west and there is disparaging in the government in both of them
The fifth advisory opinion: he was giving some of oral advisory opinion for whom he trusts with them to the jihadi work against the ba'th party and his followers as he gave for the martyr Abu Maitham Al-Sadiqi,the martyr Hussein Al-Suwe'dy and those who did the jihadi work against Uday Saddam Hussein and so on, all of these are answers as first stage from answer, and as second stage: you should not put yourself supervisor on the guides and their advisory opinion or you claim that you are the best in definition the benefits and the evils in spite of you don't write well, don’t understand the advisory opinion of the guides , there is spite in your heart on the doctrine and Islam and his unity … then when you want to write and criticize, you should know firstly the benefits , evils and the conditions otherwise you are unjust certainly therefore I advise you to be busy in your work and family otherwise your end will be in the hell and what a wretched place to return… whereas if my father gave a clear and direct advisory opinion in Al-jihad or the public hostile to Saddam then you said and those who like you that he wants the suicide, shedding the innocent bloods , put an end for the Shiite…but this is what was said from one from sheikhs from his students after his martyrdom whereas he said for me that the demand of Al-Sayyid Al-Sader for releasing the arrested people was as the suicide and he killed himself and caused it… if he did it you were the first of the objecting, frightened ,… and the first one who leave him like those who left Al-Sader the first who was hung before completing his great project and if you are and those who like you just then you should wreak your wrath upon those who sit, mix and made peace with Saddam from the Americans , Arab states ...etc
And you should know that a lot of newspapers, magazines, and satellites and so on understood from Al-Sader project and his facing, prayer and advisory opinions that they are project of resistance but you who claim
That you live the doctrine you ignored this matter this guide has his peaceful magical method to eliminate Saddam therefore he has eliminated on the day of martyrdom of his teacher after five years from his martyrdom as death of Yazeed after the martyrdom of Al-Hussein whereas their bloods and speeches -but their existence- are resistance whereas supposing the existence of Al-Sader after his cousin is resistance and his standing pulling out his sword wearing his shroud is advisory opinion to the opposition but as it was said (the stupidity is talent) I apologize for the reader on these words that I find them are suitable for like those in front of greatness of whom I vowed my soul for him . As to your saying : but for the America, the Shiites didn't be free) I reply
First: review what we replied firstly that America is not the conqueror
Second: there is not good in a Shiite that America conquers them … and there is defamation to the doctrine and the Shiites in your saying therefore you deserve the punishment from the guides and from here I deny your saying whereas our savior is only Al-Imam Al-Mahdi or his deputies, and about your saying that why did Saddam permit for Al-Sader the second to expand and establish the Friday prayer, I reply
One: he didn’t permit for him but Allah permitted for him to expand as He permitted for Musa (Moses) to expand in front of Pharaoh
Two: the right is rising and nothing rises on him, and any one fear Allah, Allah will make every things fear from him, and my father feared Allah in the manner He should rightfully be feared then Allah made his enemies fear from him
Three: Saddam tried many times to confine on Al-Sayyid Al-Sader by killing his deputies, students, followers and sons, and arrest, draft, follow-up, watching and frightening them and prevention the Friday prayers in many places and displacement them and confine on them, and there are a lot of witnesses on these matters but you ignore more famous details besides the hidden and the exact details
Four: He killed Al-Sader and his two sons, so how do you claim that he made him expand?!...if you say that he is not the killers, I return his speech: (in these late centuries there is what I call it the inauspicious trinity the oppressor and that's the American, British and Israeli colonization (the oppressor, the wicked, racketeer for the human rights and their bloods) in fact that's the reason for all these oppression and other and it should be clear)
Or you claimed another thing then I said: yes the silence and the public enmity of some people whether inside or outside of Iraq they were reasons in killing him also therefore I said: O God curse those who caused in killing of Al-Sayyid Al-Sader and satisfied on it
Five: he was arrested several times tortured and afflicted with the psoriasis due to the fetters of Al-Ba'th and his leader
Six: it was asked from Al-Sader to pray for (the president) from the platform of the Friday but he replayed: I am not praiser...And he never praises him
Seven: he tried to rumor that there is bomb in Al-kufa mosque- the place that my father pray Friday prayer- and his reply (a trust sayer said that there is who thinks to put a bomb in Al-kufa mosque, you are sincere and courageous if God wills and we don't want to shed the pure bloods in the pure mosque, so if you find thing that you suspect in it then be careful from it and tell about it)
Eight: when the Ba'th prevented some of Friday prayers, my father ordered to pray behind imam of the just Sunna which establish in their mosques and there is confinement on Friday prayers but the wisdom of the guide was higher than to be end of his project by the Ba'th and his followers, they planned and he planned also by success of Allah, so the prevention was reason for unity of Muslims, gaining their voices and rising the religion, Islam, doctrine and moderation. As to your saying that Al-Sayyid Al-Sadder was reason in keeping people away from the guides. The replay on it is clear but I don't want to talk about it in order not to insult anyone in this period which need to the unity… and till the time has come, I ask Allah to revenge from the irregular voices whereas the worst voice is the voice of the donkey
Muqtada Al-Sader
Regardless of its writer I don't care to him but I care to the detail of his writing against my father whereas he claims in his essay but he challenges the all that my father didn't give any advisory opinion against the members of Al-Ba'th party and his cursed leader Saddam
the writer and the others like him who see by one eye if they have eye and with black heart if they have hearts write their essays avoiding the right and deviating from the truth whereas they are mere hireling pens or petrified minds or pens that their consciences have died and their pure ink dried.
The writer of essay claims many matters I will mention them before I reply
First: America eliminated on Saddam
Second: America eliminated on Sunnis hereditary of the rule
Third: he made a comparison between Al-Sader the second and American Bush the hero according to his shallow expression
Fourth and fifth: Bush proclaimed hostility to Saddam and Al-Sader didn't give any advisory opinion or statement against Al-Ba'th and Saddam
Sixth: Al- Shia couldn't be free without America
Seventh: why did Al-Sader give advisory opinion against America in ninetieths and while America was supporting opposition against Saddam
Eighth: why did Saddam give permission to Al-Sader to do the Friday prayer
Ninth: why did Saddam give permission to Al-Sader to expand
Tenth: Al-Sader was a reason behind keeping Al-Shia away from religious guides and that's what Saddam wants
Then we ask for help from Allah to reply on these questions which are filled with deep malice and more stupidity and it is Allah (alone) whose help can be sought against that (lie) which you describe
I answer the first point with many answers
The first answer: any reasonable doesn't praise the one who spoiled a thing intentionally with negligence then repair it. So as America she helped Saddam and his followers to reach to the rule in Iraq then eliminated him
But she eliminated him after achieving her aim from 8 years of war which brought woes, killing, displacement, weakness , deformities , bereaved and sick people in Iraq , and she didn't put him aside from the rule except after she killed Al-Sadrain the martyrs one after one by the hands of Al-Ba'th and the tyrant and as our martyr Al-Sader : (in these late centuries there is what I call it the inauspicious trinity the oppressor and that's the American, British and Israeli colonization (the oppressor , the wicked, racketeer for the human rights and their bloods) in fact that's the reason for all these oppression and other and it should be clear
The second answer: it consists of two parts
The first part: America didn't eliminate Saddam but the pure bloods for Iraq, all Iraqis, the two martyrs Al-Sadrain and religious scientists
The second part: it is as my father said (they claimed that the bombing achieved its aims but they are liars but its end was surrender and weakness from them, yes they achieved his aims in the divine wisdom from where they don't want as we hear in the divine speech that say (the oppressors is a soldier whom I revenge by him and revenge from him) whereas it is revenge for the sins and defects in the society , it is enough to notice that we neglected toward Al-Imam Al-Hussein peace of Allah be upon him the reaction in the divine wisdom came quickly and strongly and we wait for the mercy of Allah to apply the second part because He says (I revenge by him and revenge from him)
And this speech regardless that it is reply on the one who say that America achieved his aim in eliminating Al-Haddam (Saddam) cursed be on him also it is statement and advisory opinion that oppressor America revenged from the oppressor Saddam and America is the next whereas Allah will revenge from her as mentioned in divine wisdom previously
The third answer : any clear-sighted and simple hearted and any fair writer who is far from the thoughts of this malice writer, if he saw through truth sight he will find that America even she eliminated Saddam but she eliminated Al-Iraq also in the focus of ignorance, poverty, fear, separation and sectarianism and Iraq still bleed and bleed…as if America was replaced by the mass cemeteries that Saddam and his followers did and they extracted them from underground from to the surface publicly without any prevention or agreement and with the agreement of those like this malice writer
And today those who are like this writer that America will save us from Da'ish and terrorism ...where are the results of thousands raids that American, Russian and European alliance did against (few hundreds from terrorists) or the thousands as they claim, where are the aids that America gives to oppressed people , certainly it is in the laps of Da'ish and Da'ish is making by America and Saddam his first making and Allah will not change the condition of people as long as they do not change their state
The second point: that America eliminated on the Suunis hereditary and its rule
This speech issued from sectarian who grew up in America and West laps who burned by the same our fire and I answer it with many answers
First: Saddam wasn't Sunni but he is near to the disbelief from Al-Islam and the moderate Sunna didn't confess by him as a Sunni
Second: the present rule isn't Shiite and here I announce my disavowal from it and I don't fear just Allah
Third: about any Sunna hereditary do you speak – and about and Shia hereditary do you speak??...the tyrant and the West brought all these names and they brought them after submitting and humiliating the nation then the nation obeyed them as Allah said (thus he disparage his people and they obeyed him, verily they were ever a people who were dissolute ) also Saddam disparage his people then they followed his sectarian thoughts also the West disparage the East and they followed them you and the others but as our saint Al-Sader said ( America even it claimed her controlling on the world till the world became to him like small village but she is – notice- she cannot eliminate the faith of believers and the strength of braves , if she could controlled our bodies but she couldn't control on our minds, hearts and souls ( And never will Allah grant to the disbelievers a way over the believers )
Fourth : your claim of eliminating the Sunni hereditary if it was right so she eleminated the moderate Sunni and brought the terroristic, strict and sectarian Sunni thought that represented by Al-Qa'ida and Da'ish thought which fed on cutting the necks and bombing
Fifth : this hereditary that you criticize is the same one that your present masters cling by it they share the rule with them to divide the Iraqi cake and their people suffer from poverty, ignorance and fear the present Iraqi rulers who want to fix their chairs have begged (by the strict Sunni hereditary) to be their partners with all their sects and names from Al- Ba'th and terrorists event the cutters of necks and those who make explosions and keep away all the moderate Sunni hereditary from the rule who don't want just the unity without sectarian name like you
Sixth: which elimination that you claim O inattentive about what is going around you ,don't you know that America and before many months but many years finances some Sunni sides, I don't know from part are they, I mean are they from the moderate or from the strict sides and I guess the second whereas the first don't cooperate with the occupier financed them by money and weapons without return to your Shia government so which hereditary that America eliminated it and she by this support fed the two parties by money and weapons then plant the dissension and how easier it is to make the two parties fight each other, we are from those who separated from our right and the West from those who gathered on their null
And the comparison between Al-Sader the second and Bush (the hero) according to your expression and that is the great calamity from many sides
The first side: you want to show yourself in your essay that you defend on Al-Shia and Al-Tashaiy' and in the same time you accuse the others and compare between one of Al-Shia pillars that's Al-Sader the second and between a terrorist Western American
The second: you claim that Al-Sader separated Al-Shia and that's the main reason behind keeping Al-Shia away from the religious guides and by your speech you are keeping the people away from their guide and in the same time you separate between the guides and classify them between Sadri and other names I don't like to mention them because I hate the separation
The third side: which hero whom you claim and the Iraqis beat him by their shoes and he couldn't defend himself, didn't he confess by his losses in front of the Iraqi resistance with all their names?? Didn't he confess by is fault in Al-Iraq and her pampered girl (Britain)
The fourth side: by which right you praise the disbeliever and the malice Western criminal whereas the Islamic law and Al-Quran say (And never will Allah grant to the disbelievers a way to triumph over the believers) and say (O you who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya'(friends, protectors and helpers besides Allah)
If you are atheist, it doesn't give you the right to defend on the one who occupied your country even under the title of liberation, even he covered your loins and negligence in never facing the oppression of Haddam (Saddam) and the criminal Ba'th and Your submission and the other like you to him don't give the right to praise him. If the Iraqis rose with Iraqi leader or Iraqi guide to face Saddam and eliminate him , he didn't kill their guides and the two martyrs Al-Sadran and guides like them never hesitated in giving a clear advisory opinion to eliminate Al-Ba'th and its leader whereas the infallibles imams didn't stand against the oppressors rulers at that time not negligence nor dereliction from them but because of the negligence of their followers and nations no more…( Verily Allah will not change the condition of a people as long as they do not change their state) and if you wish read the event of kiln at the age of Al-Imam Al-Sadiq peace of Allah upon him
But I don't think that you are atheist nor you are from those who make the infallibles an example, you have forgotten that more like you accused Al-Imam Al-Ridha and Al-Sajjad peace of Allah be upon them as you accused Al-Sader the second
As for point four and five and as you said that Bush proclaimed hostility to Saddam and Al-Sader didn't give any advisory opinion or statement against Al-Ba'th and Saddam
The answer consists two parts: one about Bush who proclaimed hostility to Saddam and its answer will be on many points
The first point: regardless that Bush is a president of America but he submits to general policies that are dictated to him so which proclamation of hostility and they supported him in his war against Iran
The second point: which proclamation of hostility to Saddam and Bush gave Saddam the right of flight to bomb the opposite in blessed Al-Sha'baniya Demonstration
The third point: it is wakefulness from Bush after infinite support to Saddam against Iran and his opposite...if you said yes… we say review what we have said that the one who committed a mistake firstly shouldn't be praised on correcting it secondly especially his correcting caused many disasters which are greatest and if you said no…we say: so you are satisfied on Bush's works from supporting of Saddam so you are either Ba'thi or sympathetic with them
Two: what you claimed that Al-Sader the second didn't give advisory opinion against Saddam I answer
First: the first advisory opinion : ( they claimed that the bombing achieved its aims but they are liars but its end was surrender and weakness from them , yes they achieved his aims in the divine wisdom from where they don't want as we hear in the divine speech that say( the oppressors is a soldier whom I revenge by him and revenge from him ) whereas it is revenge for the sins and defects in the society , it is enough to notice that we neglected toward Al-Imam Al-Hussein peace of Allah be upon him the reaction in the divine wisdom came quickly and strongly and we wait for the mercy of Allah to apply the second part because He says (I revenge by him and revenge from him)
The second advisory opinion : it is expected that it should be in the faith campaign that the state undertook it for years so it is supposed in this campaign to call for faith because it is faithful, to support the rites, to increase the obedience, decrease the disobedience, put the severe punishment on the bad things like bars , nightclubs and ballrooms however walking to holy Karbala' is from the faith and it is expected from the one who call for it to walk in this side till the end of way and don't feel that there is contradiction between the two ways or the two styles as we feel in it now
It is supposed that you understood from that advisory opinion that there is praise to Haddam and his campaign so you are wrong but you are ignorant and don't understand whereas it is a clear speech that there is criticism to the faithful campaign
Whereas the bars and the adultery were wide spread at the age of Al-Haddm and the Husseiny's rites were forbidden ate the age of the Al-Haddam and the death sentence on any one do it so the campaign was not faith but it was against Al- Sader the second made you understand the revers as it was said the eye of satisfaction on each defect is blunt and eye of dissatisfaction shows the evils
The third advisory opinion: his advisory opinion against the desert fox when he said: O Allah make the oppressors busy with each other and take us out between them unharmed and maybe you don’t understand his talk then I say he meant: make America busy by Saddam…and this talk was at the age of fear, forbidden and regret when you were and those who like you in your holes don’t speak with any word or some others were out of Iraq revel and play despite of their nation sunk in the injustice and bloods
The fourth advisory opinion: they are many advisory opinions were mentioned in his speech after prevention the walking to the shrine of Al-Imam Al-Hussein whereas he said: (when the half of Sha'ban ended and the walking to the holy Karbala was postponed) we should take lesson whereas there is a lesson in everything and this is from more important things which we should take lesson for the guidance and deep penetration into faith and we will hear some discussion from some of them about the wisdom and good preachment by help of Allah glory to him by attention to several points
The first point: we know that the colonization and the colonists from beginning of them hate the Islam and the doctrine and plot the plots against them and they want to make them weak by any way and hate doing the rites and try to reduce them but cancel them including seasons of visits (ziyarat) and publication of books and making of speeches and prayers. From here the Friday prayer was fork in eye of colonists generally and Israel especially because there is a dignity of religion and doctrine, guidance for people causing to gather them and gathering the word on the right in it.and also the walking to visit Al-Hussein is fork in eye of colonists generally and Israel especially and it is clear that it is included for saying of Allah glory to him (and the step that tread on place that angers that the disbelievers, and whatever them they cause the enemy- a good deed is recorded for them in lieu of all of these, Allah does not waste the wages of the virtuous.) Surah: Al-taubah-120
The second point: it was expected and natural that make every effort to prevent them which cause the reducing of religion rites and what it is from guidance and faithfulness for Allah, his prophet and infallibles, and maybe they don’t know that there is benefit for society in this and opposition for the colonization and compulsion for Israel. So they should know from now this matter, and it is clear for any one and we say for any person didn't pay attention to that as the poet said
If you don’t know then it is a calamity and if you know then the calamity is greater
The third points: it is no doubt that the best thing to any state does it for her society and nation is giving the freedom to do their religious rites and vent on their mental and psychical satisfaction with a way which doesn’t harm this state by any way, and certainly this is useful for the state –any state- and it will be reason for loving and trust in the state because they will see the state has a favor on them by the freedom in the religion rites beside the economic and worldly matters contrary to do the revers
The fourth point: (now we are (in their sight) in conditions of unjust colonial embargo so you should face the colonization and do every work which he doesn't love it like the religious rites generally and walking to Karbala especially, so this holy rite will be beside the walkers against the colonization and the condemners for the embargo and gradual good step and it is possible to be a key to put an end to the embargo and the popular pressure on the colonization as it was said here that the condition of embargo doesn’t suit the acceptance of walking to Karbala , but the matter is opposite to it . and doesn’t need only to a simple attention to the social condition which we live)
He is not only who didn't understand it therefore I will explain some of the words
First: he (Al-Sayyid the martyr) said : we know that the colonization and the colonists from beginning of them hate the Islam and the doctrine and plot the plots against them and they want to make them weak with any way and hate doing the rites) and this saying after his saying (when the half of Sha'ban ended and the walking to the holy Karbala postponed ) and in fact it was not postponed but was prevented and Tahir Habbosh who works now in your government or about to … threatening my father with cut his neck, and you can ask about this matter. So the forbidden was from Al-Haddam and his followers then my father said (we know that the colonization and the colonists from beginning of them hate the Islam and the doctrine and plot the plots against them and they want to make them weak with any way and hate doing the rites) so after forbidden the rites and walking to Al-Imam Al-Hussein from Saddam and his followers then either they are colonist or followers of the colonization then he said (from here the Friday prayer was fork in eye of colonists ) so he wanted to send message to Al-Ba'th party and his leader that if you forbid the walking to Al-Imam Al-Hussein, we pray the Friday prayer and she is a rite from rites of Allah in spite of you then read again the second point from speech of my father that he refers to them the misunderstanding or the harmony with the west and there is disparaging in the government in both of them
The fifth advisory opinion: he was giving some of oral advisory opinion for whom he trusts with them to the jihadi work against the ba'th party and his followers as he gave for the martyr Abu Maitham Al-Sadiqi,the martyr Hussein Al-Suwe'dy and those who did the jihadi work against Uday Saddam Hussein and so on, all of these are answers as first stage from answer, and as second stage: you should not put yourself supervisor on the guides and their advisory opinion or you claim that you are the best in definition the benefits and the evils in spite of you don't write well, don’t understand the advisory opinion of the guides , there is spite in your heart on the doctrine and Islam and his unity … then when you want to write and criticize, you should know firstly the benefits , evils and the conditions otherwise you are unjust certainly therefore I advise you to be busy in your work and family otherwise your end will be in the hell and what a wretched place to return… whereas if my father gave a clear and direct advisory opinion in Al-jihad or the public hostile to Saddam then you said and those who like you that he wants the suicide, shedding the innocent bloods , put an end for the Shiite…but this is what was said from one from sheikhs from his students after his martyrdom whereas he said for me that the demand of Al-Sayyid Al-Sader for releasing the arrested people was as the suicide and he killed himself and caused it… if he did it you were the first of the objecting, frightened ,… and the first one who leave him like those who left Al-Sader the first who was hung before completing his great project and if you are and those who like you just then you should wreak your wrath upon those who sit, mix and made peace with Saddam from the Americans , Arab states ...etc
And you should know that a lot of newspapers, magazines, and satellites and so on understood from Al-Sader project and his facing, prayer and advisory opinions that they are project of resistance but you who claim
That you live the doctrine you ignored this matter this guide has his peaceful magical method to eliminate Saddam therefore he has eliminated on the day of martyrdom of his teacher after five years from his martyrdom as death of Yazeed after the martyrdom of Al-Hussein whereas their bloods and speeches -but their existence- are resistance whereas supposing the existence of Al-Sader after his cousin is resistance and his standing pulling out his sword wearing his shroud is advisory opinion to the opposition but as it was said (the stupidity is talent) I apologize for the reader on these words that I find them are suitable for like those in front of greatness of whom I vowed my soul for him . As to your saying : but for the America, the Shiites didn't be free) I reply
First: review what we replied firstly that America is not the conqueror
Second: there is not good in a Shiite that America conquers them … and there is defamation to the doctrine and the Shiites in your saying therefore you deserve the punishment from the guides and from here I deny your saying whereas our savior is only Al-Imam Al-Mahdi or his deputies, and about your saying that why did Saddam permit for Al-Sader the second to expand and establish the Friday prayer, I reply
One: he didn’t permit for him but Allah permitted for him to expand as He permitted for Musa (Moses) to expand in front of Pharaoh
Two: the right is rising and nothing rises on him, and any one fear Allah, Allah will make every things fear from him, and my father feared Allah in the manner He should rightfully be feared then Allah made his enemies fear from him
Three: Saddam tried many times to confine on Al-Sayyid Al-Sader by killing his deputies, students, followers and sons, and arrest, draft, follow-up, watching and frightening them and prevention the Friday prayers in many places and displacement them and confine on them, and there are a lot of witnesses on these matters but you ignore more famous details besides the hidden and the exact details
Four: He killed Al-Sader and his two sons, so how do you claim that he made him expand?!...if you say that he is not the killers, I return his speech: (in these late centuries there is what I call it the inauspicious trinity the oppressor and that's the American, British and Israeli colonization (the oppressor, the wicked, racketeer for the human rights and their bloods) in fact that's the reason for all these oppression and other and it should be clear)
Or you claimed another thing then I said: yes the silence and the public enmity of some people whether inside or outside of Iraq they were reasons in killing him also therefore I said: O God curse those who caused in killing of Al-Sayyid Al-Sader and satisfied on it
Five: he was arrested several times tortured and afflicted with the psoriasis due to the fetters of Al-Ba'th and his leader
Six: it was asked from Al-Sader to pray for (the president) from the platform of the Friday but he replayed: I am not praiser...And he never praises him
Seven: he tried to rumor that there is bomb in Al-kufa mosque- the place that my father pray Friday prayer- and his reply (a trust sayer said that there is who thinks to put a bomb in Al-kufa mosque, you are sincere and courageous if God wills and we don't want to shed the pure bloods in the pure mosque, so if you find thing that you suspect in it then be careful from it and tell about it)
Eight: when the Ba'th prevented some of Friday prayers, my father ordered to pray behind imam of the just Sunna which establish in their mosques and there is confinement on Friday prayers but the wisdom of the guide was higher than to be end of his project by the Ba'th and his followers, they planned and he planned also by success of Allah, so the prevention was reason for unity of Muslims, gaining their voices and rising the religion, Islam, doctrine and moderation. As to your saying that Al-Sayyid Al-Sadder was reason in keeping people away from the guides. The replay on it is clear but I don't want to talk about it in order not to insult anyone in this period which need to the unity… and till the time has come, I ask Allah to revenge from the irregular voices whereas the worst voice is the voice of the donkey
Muqtada Al-Sader
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